WWW and Internet standard used in the document publishing and browsing system. Integrated document, such as text, images, video on the net publishing and distribution can also it available and browse to the. A kind of system is called a hyper-text can embed a reference to another document in the document. that looks like a complex spider’s Web to illustrate the connection between a large hypertext documents, meaning Spider Web as “”web”” and called like this. Is a basic unit of information in the WWW page (Web page, Web pages), and that are written in languages such as HTML and CSS. Reference information (links, hyperlinks) represents the location of another page, and references to the character information to configure the document to this and put the page in the structure, such as headings, paragraphs, tables, element size, alignment and color appearance, displaying images, audio and video, such as non-relevant external information, such as that described. A collection of multiple interrelated set of pages called sites (WWW, website). WWW client (web client) is called WWW Server (web server) and WWW exposes information to computer and software, and receive information from the server, use the computer or software. WWW browser (web browser) is particularly used for the formatted contents of the WWW page of WWW client and displayed on the screen and browse man pages. Called HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to communicate between client and server communications protocols (Protocol) is used as standard. That includes not only public static documents and browse HTML and HTTP, and accepts input from the user, sends to the server. WWW applications (web application), or the WWW service (web service) said that act as interactive software, generate document dynamically based on user input using this Web page or Web site. Around WWW Internet is still academic institutions mainly were used in 1989, European nuclear physics laboratory (CERN) Tim Berners (Tim Berners Lee) model of paper publishing and browsing system is based. A spread in 1990 at Internet is open to the public, via e-mail, along with central systems of the Internet widely used as as became.
