What is IoT (Internet of Things)?
The internet of things is a program that allows an object to have the ability to send data over a network without the use of computer devices or human.
The term “Internet of Things” was first issued by Kevin Ashton in 1999. IoT aims to harmonize the connection between device and device, device with user (human), and user with user properly. Currently, many large companies are starting to use the Internet of Things such as Oracle, Intel, Microsoft, and so on.
Elements of the Internet of Things:
- Sensor, functions to capture information such as motion sensors, temperature, air, heat, and so on.
- Connectivity, stable connectivity is needed, although not in large numbers to run IoT.
- Small devices, can support and increase the accuracy, scalability and flexibility in IoT development.
Benefits of the Internet of Things:
IoT can be applied in all activities of daily life such as environmental monitoring, smart home management, infrastructure management such as the MRT, or as a sensor to detect, operating time, consumption costs, or equipment stock.
Timedoor Tips:
So that your Internet of Things can be safe and secure, you need to know the following tips:
- Use a good quality router, so that the signal you get remains stable
- Do not connect unused or rarely used equipment to the IoT. This is intended to avoid the worst of the case, if a hacker managed to break into your access.
- It is important to activate the “guest network” so that other people can only stay connected to certain files or devices.
- Setting a good password
- Use the latest firmware to avoid hacker attacks.
Find out what is Internet of Things (IoT) on this video: