HTTP Redirect
HTTP redirection is a reminder that Web Server HTTP communication from one kind of response to the client that the requested URL is changed (relocated to another location where resources). Status code 300-are assigned to redirect related applications, while 301 (Moved Permanently) or 302 (Moved Temporarily, HTTP 1.1, is Found in the HTTP 1.0) is often used. With most Web browser receives an HTTP redirect response written URL address of the automatic access to a new URL. 301 redirect HTTP redirection using a 301 status code. Means “”Moved Permanently”” (moved permanently) and the requested URL to a new URL moved on a permanent basis and the original URL that is no longer valid. Used, such as the transfer of the Web site or Web page. 302 redirect HTTP redirects using 302 status code. “”Moved Temporarily”” (temporary transfer), HTTP 1.1, “”Found”” in HTTP 1.0 (found) represents the temporarily moved to a new URL that is the requested URL. Meaning resembling a 302 HTTP 1.1 303 “”See Other””, 307 treatment adds a “”Temporary Redirect”” to mean both temporary relocation, but access methods (GET, POST, etc) are different.