Domain Name
Type a name to identify the computer domain name and reside on the Internet or a network. Overlapping in things such as addresses on the Internet, publishing and management. That consists of a combination of letters, numbers and some symbols. Internationalized domain name can register a domain name in a language of their own countries, such as Japan, in recent years, and the character also became available. Got to operate domain names to have communication between the computer on the Internet identify each other by IP address and array of numbers, IP addresses are unwieldy for humans, as an alias. Is called a DNS domain name and IP address to the system, running with DNS servers all over the world. You can match multiple domain names on one IP address, or for multiple IP addresses on one domain name. Domain name is a hierarchical structure to address real-world and […] In notation, separated. Top-level domain (TLD) is the right and the left’s second and third. The take over. Top-level domains are two types of gTLD and ccTLD (country code TLD) assigned to each country and country or region regardless of the different criteria occurs (generic TLD). Domain names to prevent conflicts, management of domain names, ICANN organizations centrally manage, received a delegation from ICANN international institutions but performing assigned duties. Maintains the JPNIC JP domain ccTLD for Japan (.jp).